Commercial kitchen cleaning services
Hood cleaning
Kitchen exhaust system cleaning
Stove / Cooking Equipment cleaning
Duct cleaning
filter cleaning
General cleaning
Whether you need a general assessment, Stove Cleaning, Cooking Equipment Cleaning, hood cleaning, or a complete kitchen exhaust cleaning, CKIT has the experienced staff to provide customers with the well cleaning services.
Our clients including restaurants, hotels, food processing plants, schools and hospitals and so on.
CKIT professionals clean the entire kitchen, we can help customize a cleaning program to fit your needs.
It is your best choice to call us for a inspection and make a planning today.
Why we need to do the kitchen cleaning?

Keeping the working area in health standards
Defenses against fire hazards
Enhanced energy savings
Improved working environment for staff
Maintained ventilation for smoke and smell removal
Kitchen Exhaust System cleaning
The exhaust system in a commercial kitchen can collect a lot of grease and grime if regular cleaning procedures are not being used. The grease that accumulates from cooking in a restaurant kitchen can become very sticky and hard to remove—leaving a major fire hazard in the kitchen.
Cleaning Procedure:
1st Step: Protection
Cover the service area with protective coverings
2nd step: Inspection
To inspect the exhaust system
3rd step: Cleaning
4th step: On site clear up
Collect all the protective covering and clear up the site area.
Hood cleaning

Stove / Cooking Equipment cleaning

Duct cleaning

Filter cleaning