
Fume Exhaust System

2017-01-27 12:14:05

We provide the design and Installation Services on Fume Exhaust System  

Oily fume and cooking odour emissions from cooking processes are one of the air pollutants which come under the control of the government instruction “Instruções para controlo da poluição por fumos negros e oleosos e maus cheiros provenientes dos estabelecimentos de restauração e bebidas e estabelecimentos congéneres”. It is necessary for owners and operators of restaurants and food business to take appropriate measures to minimize these emissions and prevent causing air pollution around that area with any objectionable odour or creating other forms of pollution.

Fume Exhaust System

Low Altitude Emission - 

Indoors Installation for ESP

High Altitude Emission - 

Indoors Installation for ESP

1. Exhaust Hood - 

UVI Capture Ray™ UVI

The UVI hood is a highly efficient kitchen ventilation solution. Equipped with the Capture Ray™ technology, it keeps the plenum and ductwork virtually grease-free and reduces the cooking odours emissions. This technology is based on the use of Ultraviolet lamps (UV-C) which neutralises grease vapours and particles.

* HACCP* certified (PE-567-HM02I).

* 30 to 40% reduction in exhaust airflow rates thanks to the Capture Jet™ technology.

* Double stage filtration with KSA multi-cyclone filters (UL, NSF and LPS 1263 classified).

* Neutralization of the remaining grease particles and vapours (Capture Ray™ technology).

* Prevention of the build-up of grease deposits, which pose a serious hygiene and fire hazard.

* Duct cleaning costs significantly reduced.

* Significantly reduces odours in exhausted air.

* Integrated Capture Ray™ Ultraviolet cassette with complete safety features.

* Plug and Play CE-certified control system with LCD Touch Screen as optional user interface.

* Performance tested independently in accordance with the ASTM 1704 standard.

* Exhaust airflow rates based on ASTM performance and a calculation method of the real heat loads.

       * Accurate and effective commissioning due to “ready to install” standard delivery packages.                                                                                                                  

2. ESP

ESP technologies are used for the purpose of removing particulate matters from gas streams by applying an electrostatic charge to the fume & mist particulate with electrons emitted from the cathode section of the high voltage electric field. 

The dirty air through mechanical and electrostatic fume purifier, become clean gas. After adsorption and separation to plate wall in electrostatic field, oil droplet is discharged into oil tank for a unified recovery.


3. Exhaust Fan

There are many distinctive advantages on DT and DTJ exhaust fan, such as strong air flow, low noise level and stability operating etc. with compliance to the requirements on environmental protection.


4. UV Odor Control Unit